EverQuest II
I came on to this project a ways into its production. I was lucky to create many of the monstering player character choices, and some of the creatures one encounters.
My nickname was “the Mad Scientist” as I was fairly obsessed with finding the fastest way to get things done with quality, the beginnings of my interest in creating efficient pipelines. I made the Kerrans, the Ratongas, the Iksar female, the Trolls and the Frogloks in addition to many creatures and animals.
Please keep in mind that this was just about when normal maps became a used thing. Most of these were authored like bump maps and converted to being normals by the programmers tools back then in our studio.
I did the concept and the full model for the Iksar female
I pitched the idea of her head webbing opening up like Jurassic park when she was agitated
I made this concept for the Iksar Female
I did the concept and full models for the Ratonga male and female. They had several color variations to choose from
I did the concept and full models for the Ratonga male and female. They had several color variations to choose from
I did the concept and full models for the Kerran male and female. They had several color variations to choose from
I did the concept and full models for the Kerran male and female. They had several color variations to choose from
I did the concept and full models for the Troll male and female. They had several horn variations to choose from
I did the concept and full models for the Troll male and female. They had several horn variations to choose from
Front and back of my favorite one
Before proper normal maps, the hand created bump was converted. All color variations hand painted in PS and could take tints, all before Substance had substance
The Troll male in character select
Here is the female Troll player option in game. She was based on my elementary school lunch monitor, who would give this exact look when a child was acting up
Using a model from Blur studios, I made the in game version of Antonia Bale and her statue in the city
This fish is the first task when I started there..."testing the waters" so to speak
I made the bear and built the rig, then made all of the animations on this one. I really enjoyed it
The female Centaur
This was just your basic giant Crocodile
For the Halfling...On the left is the version in place, on the right is the refinement I was asked to make. I could not alter the geo at this point
For the Dark Elf...On the left is the version in place, on the right is the refinement I was asked to make. I could not alter the geo at this point
For the High Elf...On the left is the version in place, on the right is the refinement I was asked to make. I could not alter the geo at this point
For the Wood Elf...On the left is the version in place, on the right is the refinement I was asked to make. I could not alter the geo at this point
This is a Faery. The sparkly wings came from a material and lighting artifact that was consistent, so we decided to run with it as a unique application
A closer look
"Its a...nice day for a...wight weirding" -Billy IGnoll
I did the concept and built the Gnoll. I believe Billy Idol was, in fact, looping in my head. Those little bones were so hard with the resolution we could have then.
I designed and built this robe
Here is a variation of the robe
I built this lion, but the lead Derek Benson added some final touches that really improved it
I built this Minotaur. He had a loin cloth we had to change because in silhouette it looked very inappropriate
I did the concept, built the model, applied the textures, built the rig, and made the animations for Nagafen. I am always interested in expanding my skills and the AD gave me the opportunity
Naggy's head. Much like the Iksar female, his spines on the top of his head sprung extended when he got angry
This is the scarecrow. I had carved (with permission) the initials of my partner Sarah (still my partner) into his head in Dwarven, and a player noticed almost instantly when it released. I thought it would be a bit longer, ha
The Treant I made the concept for and built had a tiny bird living in a nest in his head, that flew around him when he would enter combat. It was my idea, and thankfully the animators agreed. I feel everything needs a little hook to make it memorable
This keyboard company wanted to use one of our monsters for their ad, and I was honored they chose a creature that I built
The SOE Flyer for E3 one year used two of my illustrations in the center, and two from the outstanding artist Patrick Ho
This concept for Nagafen was on the cover of the art book in the deluxe set